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How to Migrate to UK as a Doctor

how to migrate to uk as a doctor

Making the choice to move to a different nation is never a simple one. You really need to give a lot of thought to all of these different aspects. 

When it comes to obtaining a visa, a thorough and intricate procedure makes for a substantially more challenging process. The reality is that immigration legislation in the UK is complex and consists of several different layers. 

In addition to this, it is always evolving, which means that you need to verify that the information you have is accurate and that it has been brought up to date.

If you are a medical professional and are thinking of relocating to the United Kingdom, there are a few important things you should think about first. With this streamlined guide, we will focus on the most crucial aspects in an effort to make the journey more manageable for you.

Applying for a Visa

The first thing you should do before applying for a visa is to make sure that you have everything that is required for the application itself. This should be done as soon as possible. 

Obtaining a certificate of sponsorship should be the second item on your to-do list in the event that you want to submit an application for a Tier 2 visa.

What exactly does it mean to get a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS)? This is information that should be provided to you by your employer. It is anticipated that your potential employer would submit a CoS request using the online Sponsor Management System account that they have. 

It is essential to submit a visa application within the time frame specified by the Certificate of Sponsorship – failing to do so may result in a delay in the execution of your plans. 

In the same vein, you shouldn’t submit your application more than three days before the day on which you are scheduled to begin working in the United Kingdom.

Working in the UK on the Tier 2 Visa

You should submit an application for a Tier 2 visa if you are a physician and have plans to work in the United Kingdom in the not-too-distant future. 

This kind of visa is issued by the United Kingdom and allows businesses to recruit employees from countries outside of the UK and the European Economic Area (EEA) to fill jobs that are ineligible for candidates with UK or EEA citizenship.

On a separate point, if you are a doctor who is not from the UK or the EU and you wish to practice medicine in the UK, you will need to apply for a Tier 2 Visa. You are required to have a sponsor before submitting an application; in addition, as was previously said, you are required to provide a certificate of sponsorship.

It is important to note that in addition to the ongoing changes that are made to the visa criteria, a substantial new adjustment has been included. 

We are referring to the fact that all physicians, regardless of their level, have the opportunity to submit an application for a visa to work in the United Kingdom; the only need is to have appropriate sponsorship. 

The most important difference is that the potential employer must refrain from advertising the position in advance and must adhere to a number of stringent requirements. 

In the following paragraphs, we will have a more in-depth discussion regarding these changes and how they impact the immigration system.

UK Shortage Occupation List (SOL) 

The UK government recently updated its shortage occupation list, which is a list of jobs where there aren’t enough qualified workers in the UK.

The changes make it easier for employers to hire workers from outside the UK for certain jobs, including medical professionals like doctors, nurses, and therapists. The list was updated to address the changing needs of the UK economy and to make it easier for employers to hire workers from outside the UK for jobs that are in demand. 

By being on the shortage occupation list, these jobs are exempt from some of the requirements and paperwork that would otherwise be necessary for an employer to sponsor a non-EEA worker.

The UK government maintains two main lists related to immigration:

Shortage Occupation List (SOL)

This is a list of jobs where there is a shortage of qualified workers in the UK. Employers who want to hire workers from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) for these jobs will face fewer restrictions and requirements than for jobs not on the list. 

The SOL is regularly reviewed and updated by the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), an independent advisory body.

Tier 2 Sponsorship List

This is a list of eligible jobs that employers can sponsor non-EEA workers to fill. In order to sponsor a non-EEA worker for a job in the UK, the employer must have a Tier 2 Sponsorship License and the job must be on the Tier 2 Sponsorship List.

The two lists are related, but not exactly the same. Jobs on the SOL are exempt from some of the requirements and paperwork that would otherwise be necessary for an employer to sponsor a non-EEA worker for a job on the Tier 2 Sponsorship List. 

However, not all jobs on the Tier 2 Sponsorship List are on the SOL, and employers will still need to meet the full set of requirements for those jobs.

Advantages of the Roles Included on the Shortage Occupation List

No need to conduct Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT)

The Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT) was previously required for employers who wanted to hire workers from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) for jobs in the UK. 

This was a time-consuming and complicated process that required employers to advertise the job in various places and prove that they couldn’t find a suitable UK resident to fill the position. This requirement was waived for jobs on the Shortage Occupation List. 

This means that employers can now directly hire workers from outside the EEA for jobs on the list without having to go through the RLMT process. This makes the visa application process faster and easier for both the employer and the foreign worker.

No Minimum Income Threshold for Settlement

The UK government previously required foreign workers to meet a minimum income threshold in order to be eligible to settle permanently in the UK. 

For jobs on the Shortage Occupation List, there is no such requirement. This means that workers in these roles can earn less than workers in non-shortage roles and still be eligible for settlement in the UK.

Lower Visa Fees

Visa fees for foreign workers are notably lower for jobs on the Shortage Occupation List. This reduces the financial burden on both the employer and the foreign worker, making the process of bringing in skilled workers from outside the UK more affordable and accessible.

Streamlined Visa Application Process

As a result of the above advantages, the visa application process is generally simpler and more streamlined for jobs on the Shortage Occupation List. 

Employers can hire skilled foreign workers without having to go through the extra steps of conducting an RLMT or meeting minimum income thresholds, which can be time-consuming and complicated. 

This helps ensure that skilled workers can quickly and easily join the UK workforce where they are needed.

Shortage of Skilled Workers Addressed

Perhaps the biggest advantage of jobs being added to the Shortage Occupation List is that it helps address the shortage of skilled workers in certain industries in the UK. By making it easier for employers to bring in skilled foreign workers to fill these roles, the UK can address the skills gap and continue to grow economically.

Changes in Immigration System

The time in which we live is one in which change cannot be avoided. We can see it everywhere, beginning with the way we live our lives and the tasks we do. As a result, it was to be expected and quite natural that the immigration system in the UK would be subject to change as well. 

Change is required in order to meet the requirements of the people and the nation; otherwise, the system is no longer serving the people of the country. Change is essential in order to address the needs of the people and the country.

The modifications that were made to the SOL will almost certainly result in adjustments being made to the immigration system in the UK. 

In addition, the new organizational framework of the system allows keen medical professionals who want to work in the UK to make use of its benefits. That is to say, capabilities and previous experience will be the primary focus of attention.

While striving to fill critical positions in the healthcare system, the relevance of a candidate’s talents will become the primary focus, rather than the importance of the candidate’s nationality. 

Depending on how things develop as a result of the adoption of the new system, MAC may come up with ideas on how to improve it when the new system begins to take effect. These suggestions will rely on the state of affairs.

To that purpose, opportunities for physicians and healthcare practitioners do not have to go through the normal advertising channels before they may be offered to an immigrant who is not from the EEA. 

Take Away

If you are a company and you have identified the ideal individual for a post in the healthcare sector, then you are able to recruit a non-EEA immigrant without the need to go through such a convoluted procedure since you are exempt from it.

But, you must be able to commit at least 30 hours a week to the role. In addition to that, the remuneration must comply with the requirements outlined in the legislation. The employment list is relevant across the whole of the UK (and this would include Scotland as well).

Also Read: Complete Guide to 6145 Care Workers and Home Carers Visa

Complete Guide to 6145 Care Workers and Home Carers Visa

6145 Care Workers and Home Carers

New temporary measures have been implemented to address the workforce issues in the health and social care sector in the UK, and as a result, a number of jobs in the care sector have been added to the UK Shortage Occupation List (SOL).

Health and Care Worker Visas will be available for these positions commencing on February 16, 2022, for a term of 12 months. These actions are a continuation of an ongoing effort to solve the labour shortage in the UK’s health and social care system.

As a result of the new regulations, organisations that offer care services will be able to sponsor visas for non-UK citizens and hire them in a variety of caregiving positions. 

If a company has a valid sponsorship license and a worker meets the qualifying standards, they may sponsor them for a Health and Care visa that will allow them to work in the UK for a year without having to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge.

Shortage List Has Been Expanded to Include Care Positions

In accordance with the ‘Appendix Shortage Occupation List’ of the United Kingdom’s Immigration Rules, the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) is comprised of those roles that are considered to be in short supply within the resident labour market of the United Kingdom. 

As a result, the eligibility requirements for sponsored work visa applications are loosened for these roles. The list is intended to assist and facilitate migrants in successfully getting work visas to cover occupations where there are shortages. 

But, what does all of this imply in reality for UK social care companies that are wanting to attract migrant employees from overseas?

Prior to the modification that was announced in December 2021, the SOL already included Senior Care Workers, which fall under SOC Code 6146; Social Workers, who fall under Code 2442; Residential, Day, and Domiciliary Care Managers and Proprietors, which fall under Code 1242; and other occupations.

However, as a response to labour shortages in the sector, additional care roles have been added under the SOC code 6145 to the list of eligible occupations on the SOL. These roles include care assistants, care workers, carers, home care assistants, comfort home care, support workers in nursing homes, and other similar positions.

This indicates that candidates for positions as care workers may only be required to fulfil a minimum annual wage criterion of only £20,480 in order to submit a work visa application.

Requirements for Sponsors to Employ Social Care Professionals in the UK

If you are a UK care provider and you need to recruit social care workers from overseas, you must meet specific requirements to sponsor them. Here are the details you should know:

Health and Care Worker Visa

In 2020, the UK introduced a new visa called the Health and Care Worker Visa. This visa makes it easier for eligible medical professionals to work in the UK with the NHS, NHS-suppliers, or in adult social care.

Eligible Employers

To sponsor a social care worker, you must be an eligible employer. Moreover, you must have a valid sponsor licence in place. 

Eligible employers include the NHS, organisations providing medical services to the NHS, or those providing adult social care.

Private Households Cannot Sponsor Care Workers

Private individuals or households cannot sponsor care workers, except for sole traders who are sponsoring someone to work for their business.

Apply for a Sponsor Licence

If you are an eligible employer and you do not have Home Office approval to recruit social care workers from overseas, you must apply for a sponsor licence as soon as possible. The sooner you have approval, the quicker you’ll be able to fill any skills gaps in your workforce.

Fees and Processing Times

To apply for a licence, you must pay a fee. The fee is £536 for small businesses and charities. Similarly, it is£1,476 for medium-sized and large organisations. 

Usually, it takes UKVI around 8 weeks to process a sponsor licence application. However, processing times can vary depending on the Home Office caseload. In some cases, you may be able to pay an additional fee for priority processing.

Specifications Needed For Health and Care Visas

Workers in the care industry will be required to satisfy the following conditions for obtaining a Health and Care Worker visa:

Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS)

To be eligible for a Health and Care Worker visa, the applicant must have a valid (CoS) Certificate of Sponsorship for an eligible job role issued by a Home Office-approved employer authorised to sponsor the job in question.

The candidate must be employed to attend to the personal care requirements and comforts of service users inside residential and childcare institutions or in the homes of service users, including the elderly and the infirm. This is required by SOC Code 6145.

This means that the employer must be registered with the Home Office and authorised to sponsor the job that the applicant is applying for.

Salary Requirement

Health and Care Workers are required to receive a minimum annual salary of £20,480 or the ‘going rate’ for their work, whichever is greater. The ‘going rate’ for employment of this kind is determined by national pay scales.

The national pay scales are updated periodically, so it is important to check the most recent update to ensure that the worker is being paid the correct amount. Despite this, employment opportunities that include providing social care are now being added to a list of shortage occupations.

Because of this, it is possible for a new hire to get payment equal to 80% of the job’s regular “going rate,” or 70% if the candidate is younger than 26 on the day they submit their application.

Maintenance Requirement

To satisfy the demand for maintenance, the applicant must demonstrate that they will be able to take care of themselves financially once they arrive in the UK.

This needs evidence of funds in the amount of $1,270, and the applicant must have had the money accessible in their bank account for at least 28 consecutive days, with day 28 falling within 31 days of applying for the visa.

Alternatively, the applicant must have confirmation from the employer, on their CoS, that the employer will cover their costs during their first month. 

This requirement is in place to ensure that the applicant will not be a burden on the UK’s public services and that they can support themselves during their stay in the UK.

English Language Requirement

The English language requirement for Health and Care Workers means that the applicant must be able to speak, understand, read and write English to a minimum level. This is to ensure that the worker can communicate effectively with service users and colleagues in the UK. 

The applicant must provide evidence of their English language proficiency, such as a certificate from an approved English language test provider. The Home Office provides a list of approved English language test providers and the required minimum scores on their website.

Background Checks

Background checks which include a DBS check are a likely requirement for care staff roles. The applicant must furnish a criminal record certificate from their country of residence. They may also need tuberculosis or TB test results if they’re from a listed country. 

These checks are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of service users and to protect the reputation of the UK’s care industry.

Language proficiency in English 

The ability to speak English to the required minimum level, as well as producing verification of that ability when it is needed, may often be the most difficult obstacle for candidates seeking to enter the country via the Health and Care Worker visa route. 

Unless the applicant is a citizen of a nation where the majority of the population speaks English, prospective social care recruits from other countries need to be able to demonstrate that they are proficient in speaking, understanding, reading and writing English to the level B1 on the CEFR scale, which is also known as the Common European Framework of Reference for Language scale.

Nonetheless, a candidate may demonstrate their command of the English language in one of the following ways:

Secure English Language Test (SELT)

One way for an applicant to prove their knowledge of English is by passing a SELT, or Secure English Language Test, from an approved provider. A SELT is a specific type of English language test that is approved by the UK government for visa purposes. 

There are several approved providers of SELTs, including IELTS and Trinity College London. To meet the English language requirement for a Health and Care Worker visa, an applicant must achieve at least CEFR level B1 in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Qualification from a UK School

Another way for an applicant to prove their knowledge of English is by obtaining a qualification from a UK school. This includes a GCSE, A level, Scottish Higher, Scottish National Qualification (level 4 or 5), or Advanced Higher in English. 

The qualification must have been gained through study at a UK school when the applicant was under 18 years old.

Degree-Level Qualification Taught in English

If the applicant has an academic degree-level qualification that was taught in English, they can use this to prove their knowledge of English for the Health and Care Worker visa requirement. 

However, if the applicant studied abroad, they will have to apply through Ecctis or formerly UK NARIC for confirmation that their qualification is equivalent to a UK bachelor’s or master’s degree, or a PhD.

It is important to note that the applicant must provide evidence of their English language proficiency that meets the specific requirements of the Home Office. 

The Home Office provides a list of approved English language test providers and the required minimum scores on their website. Additionally, the applicant must ensure that their evidence of English language proficiency is valid at the time they submit their visa application.

If the applicant is a native of a country that has a majority English-speaking population, such as Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Malta, New Zealand, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad, and Tobago, or the United States of America, they will not be required to provide evidence that they are proficient in English.

Application Procedure for Health and Care Worker Visas

Individuals who want to apply for the Health and Care Worker visa will have to apply using the Skilled Worker application form, which they can access online. They must check the box that confirms they are applying for the Health and Care Worker subcategory of the visa. 

The application must be made online within three months of receiving the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS), which is a unique reference number. It must be submitted as part of the visa application. Along with it, you need to provide proof of identity and other relevant supporting documentation.

Reduced Fees

Skilled Worker visa applicants who work in a shortage occupation are eligible for reduced application fees. Social care workers who apply under the Health and Care Worker subcategory benefit from an additional 50% fee reduction. 

The standard fee applicable to apply for this category of visa is £232. This is for those who wish to work in the UK for up to 3 years. Similarly, the fee is £464 for those staying for more than three years.

Exemption from Health Surcharge

Health and Care Worker visa applicants are also exempt from paying the Immigration Health Surcharge, which is the fee to use the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). This is a significant benefit as the cost can be substantial.

Speedy Decision

Health and Care Worker visa applications are processed faster than other types of visas. Most decisions will be made within three weeks from the date the applicant’s biometrics are taken or identity is scanned.


If the application is successful, social care workers will be able to bring their dependents, including their partner and children, to the UK provided that they meet the eligibility requirements. 

This includes providing evidence that they will have sufficient finances to maintain themselves after they have arrived in the UK. Unless the UK sponsor agrees to cover the family’s costs, the applicant would need to have the following:

  • £285 for one partner
  • £315 for the child, and
  • £200 for every additional child in addition to their own funds for maintenance.

 If the family has more than 1 child, the applicant would need £200 for each additional child. The visa fee reduction also applies to the partners and dependents of Health and Care Worker visa applicants.

The application process for the Health and Care Worker visa involves using the Skilled Worker application form, submitting a Certificate of Sponsorship, proof of identity, and other relevant supporting documentation. \

Social care workers who apply under this subcategory benefit from reduced fees, exemption from the Immigration Health Surcharge, and speedy decision processing. They can also bring their dependents, provided that they meet the eligibility requirements.

Take Away

Recruiting social care workers from overseas can be a viable solution to the growing shortage of qualified professionals in the social care sector. 

The process, however, requires careful consideration and planning, including the recognition of qualifications, cultural differences, and language barriers. It is essential to ensure that the recruitment process is ethical, transparent, and adheres to the relevant regulations and policies. 

While recruiting from overseas may provide a short-term solution to the workforce shortage, it is crucial to address the underlying issues contributing to the shortage, such as improving working conditions, increasing wages, and investing in training and development opportunities for existing staff. 

A balanced approach to recruitment that combines overseas recruitment with addressing underlying issues can help to ensure that the social care sector can provide the high-quality care that is needed to support the most vulnerable members of society.


Skilled Worker Healthcare Application Guide

Skilled Worker Healthcare Application

The Health and Care Worker Visa was established with the intention of luring qualified medical personnel from all over the globe to the United Kingdom in order to find employment there.

The Health and Care Worker visa provides applicants with a number of perks, including expedited entrance into the UK, reduced visa costs, and exemption from the Immigration Health Surcharge. 

In addition to that, it involves the assistance of a specialized staff working inside UKVI to handle visa applications for migrants and the families who rely on them.

The application process for the visa began on August 4, 2020, and it is a component of the new immigration system in the United Kingdom.

The essential requirements for this visa route are discussed in the following section, and they include eligibility requirements, the application procedure, the expenses of the Health & Care visa, and the processing periods.

Who may apply for a visa in the category of Health and Care?

It is possible to submit an application for the Health and Care Worker visa if you are a qualified physician, nurse, other health professionals, or adult social care worker.

It is available to those who are seeking entrance clearance or permission to stay under the skilled worker route and who will be taking up a job offer in one of the professions defined within a regulated list of Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes. 

To be eligible for the visa, an applicant must not only have a function that falls within one of the SOC categories listed above, but they also need to have been offered work by a licensed sponsor. 


In addition, the organization that is sponsoring the application must be either an NHS body or trust, a medical services supplier to the NHS, an organization that provides adult social care, or one of a number of other medical and social care organizations that are included in the official advice.

This might include, for instance, a person who is employed or engaged by, or registered with, one of the industrial organisations listed here:

  • Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland
  • Health and Care Professions Council
  • Northern Ireland Social Care Council
  • General Pharmaceutical Council
  • Scottish Social Services Council
  • Scottish Social Services Council
  • Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • General Chiropractic Council
  • General Osteopathic Council
  • General Medical Council
  • General Optical Council
  • General Dental Council
  • Social Care Wales

You will not be eligible for the new Health and Care visa if you are not taking up a job role in one of the prescribed occupations for a designated organization. 

However, it is still possible for applicants who do not fall within the new visa route to apply under the standard Skilled Worker visa arrangements.

Health and Care Worker Visa Requirements

Here are the relevant criteria for the Health and Care visa, categorized:

Certificate of Sponsorship

Applicants must have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship from a UK-licensed sponsor. This means that a UK employer who is licensed to sponsor foreign workers must have offered them a job.

Qualifying job and a salary threshold

Applicants must have an offer for a qualifying job that meets the relevant salary threshold. The salary threshold varies depending on the job, but it is typically at least £25,600 per year. There are also some exceptions for jobs on the Shortage Occupation List or for new entrants to the job market.

Personal savings

In some cases, applicants must have sufficient personal savings to support themselves upon arrival in the UK. The amount required varies depending on the circumstances of the applicant.

English language proficiency

Applicants must have a good working knowledge of the English language. This means that they must be able to communicate effectively in English, both in spoken and written forms.

Travel requirements

Applicants must be able to show that they can travel to the UK and provide their travel history for the preceding 5 years.

Tuberculosis test results

If the applicant is from a country on the UK government’s list of countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis, they must have valid tuberculosis test results.

Criminal record certificate

If the applicant will be working with vulnerable people as a healthcare professional, they must provide a criminal record certificate from any country where they have lived for 12 months or more within the last 10 years. This is to ensure that they are not a risk to the safety of their patients.

Other requirements for eligibility

You will need to have a salary that is greater than the minimum wage threshold or the acceptance rate for the position that you have been given in order to satisfy the salary criterion, which is one of the eligibility requirements.

Certain candidates may furthermore be required to provide proof that they are able to sustain themselves financially. If you are applying from outside the country, you will need to demonstrate that you have had at least $1,270 in a bank account for at least 28 days in a row. 

Day 28 must occur no more than 31 days after the date on which you submitted your visa application. If you are applying for your visa from inside the UK and have had a valid visa for at least 12 months, you will be excluded from this financial need. 

If your company can pay your expenditures for the first month that you are in the country, you will also be exempt from this condition.

Requirements from the employer

Your potential new employer is the one who is going to be in charge of conveying to you the information that you are qualified to apply for a visa in the category of Health and Care Worker. 

You will be successful in accurately filling out the application form for the visa in this manner. In addition to this, the remark box on the CoS requires your company to offer a short explanation as to how you will satisfy the eligible visa role criteria in your new work. This must be done by your employer.

As additional evidence of your eligibility for a Health and Care Worker visa, you will be required to provide an explanation of the contractual arrangements with the National Health Service (NHS) if your UK sponsor is a private organization that delivers healthcare services that are commissioned by the NHS

If possible, you will also be required to provide documentary evidence of these arrangements.

Instructions For Application

Before you may submit an application for the Health and Care visa, your UK sponsor must first provide you with a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS). You will need this one-of-a-kind reference number in order to submit an application via the Home Office website.

The next step in the application process, once you have finished filling out all of the pertinent information, is to pay the required price. In addition to this, we will need you to substantiate your application with a number of other papers.

After an applicant submits their Health and Care visa application, the Home Office will assess the information and documents provided. If the Home Office determines that the applicant needs to provide biometric information, the applicant will be offered one of two options:

Book a biometrics appointment

If it is not possible to reuse any biometrics that was supplied with a previous application, the applicant will be offered the option to book a biometrics appointment. 

This means that the applicant will need to go to a designated location, such as a visa application centre or an embassy, to have their biometric information (fingerprints and a photograph) taken.

Enrol biometrics using an ID app

Alternatively, the applicant may be advised on how to enrol biometrics using an ID app. The app allows the applicant to take their own photograph and submit their fingerprints from their smartphone or tablet. 

This option is only available for certain nationalities and types of visas, and the Home Office will provide detailed instructions on how to use the app.

Health and Care Worker Visa Supporting Documentation

Personal savings

Applicants may need to provide a statement or letter from their bank or building society showing that they have enough personal savings to support themselves upon arrival in the UK. 

However, if their Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) shows that their A-rated sponsor can support them instead, they will not need to provide this documentation.

English language proficiency

Applicants must provide proof of their knowledge of English. This can be demonstrated through passing an approved English language test, having an academic qualification that was taught in English, or coming from a majority English-speaking country.

Valid passport or travel document

Applicants must provide a current, valid passport or travel document to prove that they are able to travel. This passport or travel document must have at least one blank page and be valid for at least six months after the applicant’s planned arrival in the UK.

Expired passports or travel documents

Applicants must provide any expired passports or travel documents to show their travel history for the preceding five years.

Tuberculosis test results

Applicants from certain countries must provide valid tuberculosis test results. The list of countries can be found on the UK government’s website.

Criminal record certificate

Applicants who will be working with vulnerable people as healthcare professionals must provide a criminal record certificate from any country where they have lived for 12 months or more within the last 10 years. This is to ensure that they are not a risk to the safety of their patients.

If you want to show that you can read, write, speak, and listen in English, you’ll need to take an approved English language test and get at least a CEFR level B1 in each of those areas, or you’ll need to have a degree that was taught in English and is recognized by UK NARIC as being equivalent to a UK bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree.

If you are looking for a position in the medical, dental, nursing, or midwifery fields, you may submit an evaluation from your professional organization as evidence of your language skills.

When Will I Get My Health and Care Visa When it Has Been Processed?

Your petition for a Health and Care Worker visa will, as soon as it is received by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI), be given top priority and processed as quickly as possible.

As a consequence of this, the great majority of healthcare professionals who apply via this method may often anticipate receiving a decision on their application within three weeks of the day on which they provide their biometric information. 

This is a significant improvement over the standard processing period for skilled worker visas, which may take anywhere from eight to twenty weeks. 

However, the processing of applications by UKVI is still experiencing delays as a result of the pandemic and the prioritization of applications for the Ukrainian scheme. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that you seek advice on the current processing times before submitting your application.

Support is also available in the form of a dedicated NHS support and visa processing team. This enables visa applicants and sponsors to contact UKVI’s specialist team if they have any issues with the application process or with determining whether or not they are eligible for the Health and Care visa.

Are my dependents or my partner able to travel with me to the UK?

Any members of your immediate family who are eligible to accompany or join you in the UK on this route will be able to apply for a Health and Care visa at the same time you do. This includes your spouse or partner, as well as any children who are financially reliant on you.

If you are currently in the UK and would want your dependents to join you there, your UK sponsor will need to submit written confirmation that your family member is qualified to do so based on your profession. 

This is required if you want your dependents to join you after you have already moved there. This should be in the form of a letter or email from the sponsor, stating the organization for which you work and, if it is not an NHS body, how the organization qualifies. The letter or email should be addressed to the sponsor.

Healthcare Worker Visa Fee

Visa Type and CoS Duration Application from outside the UK Application from within the UK
Skilled Worker – Health and Care Visa – CoS issued for 3 years or less £247 for main applicant and dependants £247 for main applicant and dependants
Skilled Worker – Health and Care Visa – CoS issued for over 3 years £479 for main applicant and dependants £479 for main applicant and dependants
Skilled Worker – Shortage Occupation – Health and Care Visa – CoS issued for 3 years or less £247 for main applicant and dependants £247 for main applicant and dependants
Skilled Worker – Shortage Occupation – Health and Care Visa – CoS issued for over 3 years £479 for main applicant and dependants £479 for main applicant and dependants


Applying for a Health and Care Worker visa can be a complex process, and it is important to make sure that you meet all of the requirements and provide all of the necessary documents. 

The visa allows skilled healthcare professionals to come to the UK to work and contribute to the healthcare system, but it is important to follow the application guide and submit a complete and accurate application.

If you have any questions or need help with your Health and Care Worker visa application, I would suggest that you consider reaching out to Hire Brit, an experienced UK immigration consultancy that can guide you through the application process and provide you with the support you need. 

They can help you understand the requirements and gather the necessary documents, and they can also provide advice and guidance throughout the application process.